JODI-Gas Definitions - Acronyms and Abbreviations
Natural gas:
Natural gas is defined as a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons, primarily methane, but generally also including ethane, propane and higher hydrocarbons in much smaller amounts and some non-combustible gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It includes both non-associated gas and associated gas. Colliery gas, coal seam gas and shale gas are included while manufactured gas and biogas are excluded except when blended with natural gas for final consumption. Natural gas liquids are excluded.
Dry marketable production within national boundaries, including offshore production, measured after purification and extraction of NGL and sulphur. Production does not include quantities reinjected, extraction losses or quantities vented or flared. It should include quantities used within the natural gas industry, in gas extraction, pipeline systems and processing plants.
Receipts from Other Sources:
Gas from energy products that have been already accounted for in the production of other energy products. Examples include petroleum gases or biogases that have been blended with natural gas.
Amounts are considered imported or exported when they have crossed the physical boundaries of the country, whether customs clearance has taken place or not. Goods in transit and goods temporarily admitted/withdrawn are excluded but re-imports, that is domestic goods exported but subsequently readmitted, are included (same for reexports).
Deliveries for international bunkers should be excluded.
Acronyms and Abbreviations
APEC.................... Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Bcm...................... Billion cubic metres
BTU...................... British thermal unit
CCGT ................... Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CHP...................... Combined Heat and Power
CNG..................... Compressed Natural Gas
Eurostat................ Statistical Office of the European Communities
GECF.................... Gas Exporting Countries Forum
GCV...................... Gross calorific value
IEA........................ International Energy Agency
IEF........................ International Energy Forum
InterEnerStat......... Intersecretariat Working Group on Energy Statistics
IRES ..................... International Recommendations for Energy Statistics
J ........................... Joule
JODI ..................... Joint Organizations Data Initiative
kt.......................... Kilotons, or thousand metric tons
LNG...................... Liquefied Natural Gas
M-1....................... Read as M minus one: the month prior to the current month
M-2....................... Read as M minus two: two months prior to the current month
MMBtu.................. One million British thermal units
mm Hg ................. Millimetres of Mercury
MJ ........................ Megajoule
NCV...................... Net calorific value
NGL...................... Natural Gas Liquids
OLADE.................. Latin American Energy Organization
OPEC ................... Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
SI.......................... Système International d'Unités
TJ ......................... Terajoule
toe........................ Tons of Oil Equivalent
UNSD................... United Nations Statistics Division