United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) collects, processes and disseminates statistical information covering a broad range of statistical domains, such as demography, energy, environment, industry, international trade, national accounts, social and housing statistics.

In addition to compiling and disseminating global statistical information, the Division’s key activities include the development of standards and norms for statistical activities, assistance to countries in the implementation of these standards and general support to strengthen countries’ national statistical systems.

UNSD serves as the central mechanism within the Secretariat of the United Nations to satisfy the statistical needs and coordinating activities of the global statistical system. UNSD also provides support to the functioning of the UN Statistical Commission, the apex entity of the global statistical system, which brings together the Chief Statisticians from United Nations member states from around the world.

In the field of energy statistics, UNSD started its regular data collection in 1950. It now compiles and disseminates energy statistics for more than 190 countries/territories, published in two annual publications, the Energy Statistics Yearbook and the Energy Balances and Electricity Profiles, as well as an electronic database, which can also be accessed through the UN data portal.

UNSD is cooperating with many international, regional and supranational agencies in the work on statistical standards, data collection and statistical capacity building, including in the field of energy statistics.

United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)

2 UN Plaza, DC2-1414, New York, NY 10017, USA

Visit the United Nations Statistics Division website.