Data Available in the JODI-Oil World Database


  1. Production
    Marketed production, after removal of impurities but including quantities consumed by the producer in the production process.
  2. From other sources
    Inputs of additives, biofuels and other hydrocarbons that are produced from non-oil sources such as: coal, natural gas or renewables.
  3. Imports/Exports
    Goods having physically crossed the international boundaries, excluding transit trade, international marine and aviation bunkers.
  4. Products transferred/Backflows
    Sum of Products transferred and Backflows from the petrochemical industry.
  5. Stock Changes
    Closing minus opening level.Positive number corresponds to stock build, negative number corresponds to stock draw.
  6. Statistical difference
    Differences between observed supply flows and Refinery intake or Demand.
  7. Refinery Intake
    Observed refinery throughputs.
  8. Closing Stocks
    Represents the primary stock level at the end of the month within national territories; includes stocks held by importers, refiners, stock holding organizations and governments.
  9. Refinery Output
    Gross output (including refinery fuel).
  10. Receipts
    Primary product receipts (quantities of oil used directly without processing in a refinery) + recycled products. Receipts for Other oil products include direct use of crude oil and NGL.
  11. Products transferred
    Imported petroleum products which are reclassified as feedstocks for further processing in the refinery, without delivery to final consumers.
  12. Interproduct transfers
    Reclassification of products, because their specification has changed, or because they are blended into another product: a negative indicates a product that will be reclassified, a positive shows a reclassified product. Interproduct transfers for Other oil products includes interproduct transfers of Crude oil and NGL.
  13. Demand
    Deliveries or sales to the inland market (domestic consumption) plus Refinery Fuel plus International Marine and Aviation Bunkers. Demand for Other oil products includes direct use of Crude oil, NGL, and Other.


  1. Crude Oil
    Including lease condensate - excluding NGL.
  2. NGL
    Liquid or liquefied hydrocarbons recovered from gas separation plants and gas processing facilities.
  3. Other
    Refinery feedstocks + additives/oxygenates + other hydrocarbons.
  4. Total
    Sum of categories (1) to (3) Total = Crude oil + NGL + Other.
  5. LPG
    Comprises propane and butane.
  6. Naphtha
    Comprises naphtha used as feedstocks for producing high octane gasoline and also as feedstock for the chemical/petrochemical industries.
  7. Motor and aviation gasoline
    Comprises motor gasoline and aviation gasoline.
  8. Kerosenes
    Comprises kerosene type jet fuel and other kerosene.
  9. of which: Kerosene type jet fuel
    Aviation fuel used for aviation turbine power units.This amount is a subset of the amount reported under Kerosenes.
  10. Gas/Diesel Oil
    For automotive and other purposes.
  11. Fuel Oil
    Heavy residual oil / boiler oil, including bunker oil.
  12. Other oil products
    Refinery gas, ethane, petroleum coke, lubricants, white spirit & SPB, bitumen, paraffin waxes and other oil products.
  13. Total Oil Products
    Sum of Categories (5) to (12) excluding (9). Demand for Total Oil includes crude oil.


  1. Barrels
  2. Metric tons
  3. Litres


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Data start from January 2002 to the most recent month.

To find out more details on mechanism of JODI-Oil World Database including products and flows definitions please download the JODI-Oil Manual 2nd Edition.